Файл:DMCA Logo.png | This page is a part of the TGMC wiki.
TGMC is a project based on the CM-SS13 codebase. |
Malpractice Equipment
Equipment: | Use: |
Файл:DMCA scalpel.png Scalpel |
Professional knife for cutting flesh. |
Файл:DMCA retractor.png Retractor |
Salad tongs used for rearranging and moving internals. |
Файл:DMCA hemostat.png Hemostat |
Pulls out foreign objects, and stops scalpel bleeds. |
Файл:DMCA cautery.png Cautery |
Cauterizes incisions closed. |
Файл:DMCA Saw.png Bone Saw |
A saw used to saw apart bones. |
Файл:DMCA IMS off.png Incision Management System |
Cuts, retracts, and clamps bleeders for an incision |
Файл:DMCA bone gel.png Bone Gel |
Gel used to repair broken bones |
Файл:DMCA bone setter.png Bone Setter |
Sets bones back into their original place. |
Файл:DMCA Fix O Vein.png Fix-O-Vein |
Fixes veins and arteries. |
Trauma Kit |
Patches up any damage to the organs, excluding the brain and eyes. |
Fix stuff. Placeholder.
Another section, maybe for cool stuff
Place holder.
Other Really Cool Important Epic Stuff
Place holder.