TGMC:Guide to xenomorph cqc

Материал из MassMeta
Версия от 11:07, 6 февраля 2022; imported>Qwerty4429 (A lot of stuff on how to Not Die™)
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TGMC is a project based on the CM-SS13 codebase.

Time to help xenomorphs by making this guide concrete.


So you've read the Xeno quickstart guide and now you want to get better at killing marines! Look no further to here!

There is one rule to kill marines: DO NOT DIE

Intra-xenomorph Mechanics


Always yell at drone, hivelord, hivemind, shrike, and queen for weed when marines and xenomorphs are fighting in unweeded areas. When you are on weed, even standing, you regen plasma. You also regen some hp (very small amount). And also you receive a speed boost. Fight on weeds!

Targeting Limbs

You can select body parts on the doll in the bottom right corner, or via Numpad.

Damaging and breaking limbs have different effects. For them see Guide to medicine and Marine Mechanics. In short:

  • Dealing damage also damages organs in that body part
  • After some damage you can break bones
  • Broken arms forbid shooting
  • Broken legs give a major penalty to speed
  • Broken head, groin and chest deal organ damage to respective body part
  • In general case, it is better to hit chest - organ damage there affects a lot of organs which will eventually kill the marine if not treated
  • Targeting head sometimes gives more damage output. Like when he doesn't wear a helmet
  • Targeting arms can render the marine helpless
  • Targeting legs is not very useful, since dead marine can't run anyway

Bump Slash

Ability Description Plasma Cost Cooldown

Toggle Bump Attacks
This ability allows you to toggle bump attacks on and off. If for some reason you want to avoid them, toggle this off. The red arrow means it's on; the green arrow means it's off. N/A N/A

When you try to push a marine, you attack him instead. Useful.

Intents and Not Dying

To Not Die™, you need to do a lot of stuff, but most useful - switching to HELP intent. While in help, you cannot directly attack (you'll hug marines instead), but also you will shuffle any living soul when moving. This is not true on HARM where you will often find yourself stuck between marines or xeno with low HP, and then die. Good idea would be to use hotkeys for intents. Defaults are 1-4. You may want to try 1 for help, 2 for harm. Others are not really used in TGMC.

Also, shuffling with marine and then going on harm will prevent him from escaping as well.

Lighting and Darkness

Toggle darkvision on full (eye on right side of screen). No downsides, see everything and through walls. Marines usually can't, you can check their view by toggling darkvision down. To Not Die™, avoid sleeping in lit areas - CAS can still hit you even if there are no marines around.

Xenomorph' Abilities and Keybinding


To be most effective in battle and Not Die™, you need utilize your xeno to the fullest. And this usually means abilities. In general case, each xeno has at least one skill which should be utilized quickly and in right place. Make sure to Keybind it, on button easily accessible for you.

Convenient buttons likely available for you are: e r f g z x c v, 3-0 (if 1+2 are intents).

Great idea to bind: abilities which require quick activation, like Warrior's Lunge, Runner's Evasion or just Acid Spit.

Good idea to bind: buttons which you press often. It's likely the Minimap (try 0), and Pheromones (try 3-5), Psy Drain (try random button like J).


  1. Learn what your abilities do
  2. Bind important ones
  3. Learn to utilize each one quickly and effectively, one by one
  4. After that, learn to use them in combination, like Warrior combos
  5. Having abilities on-cd means you do your best
  6. Being dead means you are cannot use your abilities, so don't rush just to press the button.

Keeping Track of Health


Corners and Firing Lanes

Inter-xenomorph Mechanics


Xenomorphs with numbered names

Most likely - these are players which have just started playing. This means they cannot utilize their caste effectively (and probably didn't read what their skills do). Do your best to be prudent, and mentor them (like - give them links to their respective wiki pages). Also, tell them to take easier castes (so no "Young Runner (123) has Died at Medbay"). Make it clear that they should not try some difficult castes, like Defiler.

Comboing with other xenomorphs

One of xeno's main strengths is ability to combo-wombo. You're not a stupid unga, and you've learned to Not Die™. Now, it's time to show these marines. You need to access what other xenomorphs you can combo with, and check the Hive Status. Find them (press on radar on the right side of screen for easier time), join them and tell them about the plan. Practice, and have fun!

Combo examples:

  • Carrier (+acid/face hugger) with any stuns (Praetorian, Boiler)
  • Defiler and Neurotoxin you can spit yourself
  • Defiler + Carrier to get rid of masks
  • Boiler + Defender to protect while he is charging the shot
  • Warrior (lunge-toss behind) + Shrike (fling further back)
  • Ravager + Hivelord (regen and resin jelly)
  • Ravager (or any good melee class) + Gorger (link)
  • Gorger (Drain) + Stings (Queen, Shrike, Sentinel)

Resin Walls, Firing Lanes, and Crusher Lanes