Starter Guide
What is SS13?
Tuterr, the Private Eye говорит: "Hmph. Fresh off the boat from Nanotrasen's recruitment office, huh? Let me tell you something, kid. You won't last five minutes on this floating deathtrap without help. You're as likely to be left for dead in a dark maintenance tunnel riddled with bullet holes as you are to get out of here alive. Lucky for you, I'm in a helpful mood today." |
Space Station 13 is a multiplayer sandbox that has a heavy focus on player interaction. In the year 2257, the megacorporation Nanotrasen has employed you as a staff member onboard their latest state of the art research station. Nanotrasen claims to be researching plasma, a mysterious new substance, but rumors are abound that the station is little more than a twisted social experiment...
Players are assigned a role onboard the station - from a scientist performing research and development of new technologies, to a lowly janitor, there's a ton of interesting ways to play. More importantly than assigning jobs, the game also randomly chooses a round type. Ranging from an all out assault on the station by nuclear operatives, sinister cult sacrificing crewmembers to summon their god, or just some good ol' fashioned traitors, every round on Space Station 13 is different.
Before Playing
It's important to read the rules before connecting for the first time. There's a lot on the page, but for now you only need to concern yourself with the Main Rules. Some common new player mistakes to avoid include:
- Asking questions in OOC that are directly related to what's happening in the round. For example, "Why did I just get killed by the clown?". (It's okay to discuss a previous round in OOC)
- Not following the name format - though there are exceptions, players are asked to use a Firstname Lastname format when creating a character.
The admin team generally tries to give players benefit of the doubt, so it's okay to mess up. As long as you're polite and willing to learn from your mistakes, you won't be in trouble.
This guide is designed for ease of use for first time players, so non-essential information is segregated to expandable text boxes. Reading these isn't necessary to get into the game, but it's recommended.
One last point: please, remember the human. Everyone is here to play a game they enjoy, so keep that in mind before you bash someone's brains in with a toolbox because they took your multitool.
Setting Up
Make your way to the BYOND download page and download the beta client - the stable client is known to cause bugs in game. Once you've downloaded, installed, and logged into the client, feel free to close it - we won't be needing to use it directly anymore. Once you're set up, choose a server to join:
- Server #1 (Sybil): <byond server=game.tgstation13.org port=1337>byond://game.tgstation13.org:1337</byond>
- Server #2 (Bagil): <byond server=game.tgstation13.org port=2337>byond://game.tgstation13.org:2337</byond>
Once you've connected to a server, you'll be greeted by a small popup window over the rest of the client that looks like this:
If this is your first time playing on /tg/station, you'll need to create a character. Click on the Setup Character button. You'll see a window that looks like this:
You don't need to worry about Special Names, Custom job preferences, Uplink Spawn Location, or Species - for now, make sure you're a human, and edit your appearance as you see fit. There's no difference between clothing/backpack options other than appearance, so pick what you think looks best.
Once you've finished editing your appearance, be sure to press the Save Setup button at the bottom of the window. Next, press the Set Occupation Preferences button.
Tuterr, the Private Eye говорит: "You're brand new here, so make sure you sign up as an Assistant. Nanotrasen usually has checks to make sure fresh meat doesn't get to be the Captain, but if you manage to end up in that position, you'll probably be just another case for me to solve." |
If the button next to Assistant is a red NO, click it once so that it says YES in green text. This sets your job to be assistant, no matter what.
After that, press Done, then, Save Setup. Then click on Game Preferences at the top of the character creation screen. You'll see this window:
Make sure all of the Special Role Settings are set to No. (These control optional settings, like choosing if you'd like to roll for a traitor role - they assume you know how to play the game and are important to the round, so we want them off for now) Most of the options here are relatively self explanatory or irrelevant, so once you're done, click Save Setup one last time.
Joining the Game
Now that you've created your character, you're ready to join the game. /tg/station has multiple maps that the server will occasionally change to. The "standard" station layout is Box Station, but the game can also take place on Meta Station, Pubby Station, Delta Station, or Omega Station. You can visit the individual wiki pages to see the layout of a specific map.
There's two possible menus here - the lobby screen will either display a list that has Join Game! or a Ready/Not Ready toggle.