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Версия от 01:29, 19 декабря 2021; imported>PotatoMasher
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Причина нужды в доработке: "Something about this page seems far too short. Just seems short and basically is just a link to the Guide to Genetics with some tips.

Perhaps give a basic primer on how to do genetics? And how you can help the crew?"

Файл:Geneticist action.png
Профессия (на RU)
Доступ: Genetics, Morgue, Research Division, Mineral Storage
Дополнительный доступ
При малом количестве сотрудников на станции
Robotics, Tech Storage, Xenobiology
Сложность: Medium
Руководители: Research Director
Обязанности: Alter genomes, turn monkeys into humans and vice versa, make DNA backups so they can get stolen
Руководства: Guide to genetics
Цитаты: Well maybe if the Captain had asked before plunging that syringe into his artery he wouldn't be a monkey now.

You start in Genetics and get to work on people's genes. This is a very technical class The main thing you're meant to do: Find superpowers and fix disabilities.

Bare minimum requirements: Don't give away Hulk to the greytide.

The genetics lab is located in Science (moved from medbay Jan, 2020).

Genetic Research

Manipulating the DNA of humanoids is your main job. What you choose to use the results for is up to you.

See the Guide to Genetics for a detailed guide about how it works. Experimentation is encouraged.


  • If someone has a cavity implanted item, you can instantly remove it by monkeying them.
  • Monkeying someone who is impregnated will cure them.
  • The Genetics DNA altering console can spit out injectors UE and UI. This means that if you get a willing volunteer, or even just human a monkey, you can run around the station changing everyone into the same person (if you do this without being antag or having people’s con-sent, you may get banned).
  • Radiation (and mutagen) has a very, VERY small chance to give non-negative effects.
  • If the mime's being a jackass, stealthily inject him/her with a Tourettes injector, and watch them get lynched for breaking their vow


  • Monkey injectors are a hell of a weapon.
  • Change your identity if you're caught being a shitler. Keeps people off of you.
  • Telekinesis is a useful mutation. Especially combined with X-ray implants. With it you can:
    • Bash people with items. If they pick the item up you can still hit them with it.
    • Steal items across desks
    • Kill people through cameras
    • Operate basic machinery
    • Be an all around douchebag
    • And if you have X-ray you're even more unstoppable than before. You can hide in lockers in maint and dick around all you want, or one-human the AI from outside the upload.
  • You can take bodies to your lab and steal their identities.


Должности на MassMeta

Командные Капитан⚙, Глава Персонала, Глава Службы Безопасности✎, Главный Инженер, Директор Исследований, Главный Врач⚙, Квартирмейстер
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Внимание! В данный момент идет активный перевод официальной википедии /TG/station 13 на русский язык.

  • ⚙ - статья в процессе перевода.
  • ✎ - статья переведена, но в процессе правки.
  • ☑ - статья полностью готова.