Path of Ash | Path of Flesh | Path of Rust | ||||
Ashlord's Rite Transmute 3 corpses to ascend and become immune to fire/cold and space. You gain two spells: to surround yourself with fire for a minute, and to send off a massive fire wave like ashmen. |
Priest’s Final Hymn Transmute 3 corpses to ascend as Lord of the night or summon a terror of the night. |
Rustbringer’s Oath Transmute 3 corpses to ascend. While on rust tiles, your health is tripled and you gain 50% resist against brute and burn. Rust also spreads from the ritual's rune. |
Blood Syphon |
Curse of Madness |
Ashen Ritual |
Lonely Ritual |
Rust Ritual |
Wave of Rust |
Blood Syphon |
Fiery Blade |
Bleeding Steel |
Toxic Blade |
Curse of Corrosion |
Curse of Blindness |
Curse of Paralysis |
Raw Ritual |
Blood Cleave |
Aggressive Spread |
Curse of Corrosion |
Mark of Ash |
Mark of Flesh |
Mark of Rust Your blade applies rust marks on hit. Touch a marked person to deal 0-200 damage to items they are carrying. |
Priest's Ritual |
Ashen Shift |
Ashen Eyes |
Imperfect Ritual |
Armorer’s ritual |
Leeching Walk > You slowly heal while standing on rusted tiles. |
Priest's Ritual |
Grasp of Ash Your mansus grasp now flings opponents away from you. |
Grasp of Flesh Your mansus grasp now raises dead players into ghouls ONCE. They look like husks and have 25 HP. |
Grasp of Rust Your mansus grasp now deal 500 damage to inorganic matter. Rusts any surface it's used on, and destroys any surface that is already rusty. |
Locksmith's Secret Follow the ashen path. Transmute a knife with a match for an ashen blade. |
Principle of Hunger Follow the flesh path. Transmute a knife and a pool of blood into a flesh blade. |
Blacksmith's Tale Follow the rust path. Transmute a knife and a trash item into a rusty blade. |
>>>>Start Here<<<< You got your book, your heart, and a basic Mansus Grasp (glowy hand) with some knockdown capability. Your starting path determines which Grasp, Mark, blade and ascension you can obtain, shown on the graph as a dark path color. At a light-colored path ability, you can branch out horizontally including into other light colored path abilities: Ex. you are a Rust cultist and want ashen shift, you learn up to leeching walk, then learn Priest's ritual, then Ashen Shift. There are 3 "layers" of abilities that can all be learned, but they are segmented off by your mandatory path abilities (grasp, mark and blade). |