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Текущая версия от 14:55, 30 ноября 2023


Split Personality
Профессия (на RU)
Доступ: Whatever access your host has already obtained
Дополнительный доступ
При малом количестве сотрудников на станции
Wherever you or your host can hack into
Сложность: Easy to Very Hard
Руководители: Whoever your host's supervisor is
Обязанности: Don't suicide, do your job, move along.
Руководства: Depends on your host
Цитаты: How do I setup the scrungularity?!!11!

Sometimes, a normal concussion isn't good enough. When a spaceman exhibits enough brain damage for the dent embedded within the top of their head to collect rainwater, there's a good chance that their brain gets bisected along with it, creating two personalities. With a lack of cooperation, a Split Personality can turn existence hell. With a good amount of cooperation, one can actually turn it into almost a net positive, with tasks being delegated accordingly. Well, if RNG is cooperative in letting each player take the wheel.

Preface[править | править код]

When someone gets severe brain damage (that means brain damage >100), they have a 80% chance of rolling a Severe Trauma. Of the possible traumas within the Severe Trauma pool, there is a 1/11 chance of rolling complete lobe separation, in other words, a Split Personality, manned by a former ghost.

Objectives[править | править код]

As a Split Personality, your first goal is to make sure that your body survives. Other than that, you share the same goals as that of your host. Was your host a Head Revolutionary? Great, now start flashing people. Was your host a Traitor? Great, now try to help achieve their objectives. If your host is a law-abiding member of the crew, stay that way. Any suicidal behavior, A:, is not fun for your original host, who might have invested a good amount of time into achieving things, and B:, is probably going to end up with you getting bwoinked.

Also, make sure that your host doesn't try to cure the "complete lobe separation" brain trauma that is keeping you in existence, as if they do cure it, you'll be completely deleted. It usually should be a severe or greater trauma, so neurine should be okay for your host to drink (check with a health analyzer to make sure that your host's "complete lobe separation" trauma has a "severe", "deep-rooted", or "permanent" prefix in front of it before drinking neurine, though, just to be safe) to cure some of their lesser, more annoying traumas.

Abilities[править | править код]

You and your host will swap places whenever RNG pleases. The period of time in which you have control can vary from a few seconds, to several minutes. The personality which is not in control can telepathically communicate with the personality which is in control. Telepathically means that only the two personalities (and the ghosts) have access to the channel. Besides that, there isn't really much special. The circumstances in which you are placed in, and the actions that you will do, will vary drastically, based on your host. If your host is an antagonist, you do antaggy things. You're naturally going to do different things if your host is the Clown, rather than the Captain.

Должности на MassMeta

Командные Капитан⚙, Глава Персонала, Глава Службы Безопасности✎, Главный Инженер, Директор Исследований, Главный Врач⚙, Квартирмейстер
Служба безопасности Глава Службы Безопасности✎, Офицер СБ, Смотритель, Детектив, Заключённый
Инженерный отдел Главный Инженер, Инженер, Атмосферный техник
Научный отдел Директор Исследований, Генетик, Учёный☑, Робототехник
Медицинский отдел Главный Врач⚙, Врач☑, Парамедик☑, Химик, Вирусолог, Патологоанатом
Карго Квартирмейстер, Грузчик, Шахтёр, Битраннер
Сервис Глава Персонала, Уборщик, Бармен, Повар, Ботаник☑, Клоун⚙, Мим, Священник, Куратор, Ассистент, Юрист, Психолог
Не гуманоиды ИИ, Киборг, Позитронный мозг, Дрон, Персональный ИИ, Конструкт, Воображаемый друг, Раздвоение личности, Призрак
Антагонисты Предатель⚙, Сбойный ИИ, Генокрад, Ядерный оперативник, Культ крови☑, Еретик⚙, Революционер, Маг, Банды/семьи, Блоб, Абдуктор✎, Страж (голопаразит), Ксеноморф, Паук⚙, Ревенант, Морф, Кошмар, Космо-ниндзя, Демон резни, Пираты, Разумная болень, Одержимый, Сбежавшие, Охотники, Дракон, Элита Лаваленда, Разумный слайм, Король крыс, Парадоксальная копия
Специальные Представитель, Отряд смерти, Офицер Отряда Быстрого Реагирования, Хроно-легионер, Горец, Иан, Роли лаваленда и космоса, Интерн Центрального Коммандования

Внимание! В данный момент идет активный перевод официальной википедии /TG/station 13 на русский язык.

  • ⚙ - статья в процессе перевода.
  • ✎ - статья переведена, но в процессе правки.
  • ☑ - статья полностью готова.