Rules: различия между версиями
imported>MrStonedOne (crossref links for every use of `ic in ooc`, `ooc in ic`, `ooc`, and `ic`) |
imported>Atlanta-Ned (Migrating rules to a template page) |
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Версия от 16:34, 3 июля 2023
Внимание: Эта страница Модерируемая. На неё можно ссылаться в случаях обжалования Бана или подачи жалобы. |
Below are the Main Rules of /tg/station. For information on how admins are expected to enforce these rules and behave, see Admin Conduct.
Основные правила
Эти правила существуют как для Администрации, так и для Игроков.
Уведомления об изменениях будут
не забыватьсяанонсироваться в дискорде проекта.
Rule 0. Админ всегда прав, да Админ всегда прав!
Админы вольны:
- Вмешиваться в ход раундов, если это отвечает интересам Админа, например по причине:
- неоднократного и необоснованного откладывания завершение раунда игроком.
- частое использование игроком одних и тех же стратегий, ради хаоса и разрушений.
- Переносить баны с других серверов на своё усмотрение.
- Выписывать баны за использование прокси, CID рандомайзеров, DLL и подобных программ.
- Потребовать у игрока с несколькими аккаунтами выбрать один для игры, заблокировав остальные.
ради баланса вселенной и всего такого:
- В случае, если Вы считаете, что Админ вдруг превышал свои полномочия, то напишите жалобу другому Админу в личные сообщения Discord с приложенными доказательствами в виде скриншотов, видео и т.д. Её возможно даже рассмотрят.
Rule 1. Не будь Мудаком.
По отношению к игровому процессу и игрокам, короче Гриф.
Мы все здесь, чтобы хорошо провести время в ролевой игре-песочнице про 2Д космонавтов. Здесь НЕ приветствуется:
- Игра ради победы, что мешает новичкам влиться в игру на сервере. Может стоит подыграть? Игра подразумевает РП-взаимодействие.
- Манчкинизм — сбор всех вещей подряд "на всякий случай".
- Грейтайдинг — не спровоцированное гриферство всего подряд.
- Метахейт — попытка насолить определенным игрокам без IC причин, особенно повторяющееся из раунда в раунд.
- Убийства без причины — что признак дурачины.
Тем не менее законные конфликты возникают, вот тут отдельно прописан примерный план действий по РП. Политика Обострения Конфликта.
Это правило, к счастью, действуют до тех пор, пока аварийный шаттл не достигнет ЦК и не появится отчет этого раунда. После этого игроки могут спокойно устраивать нарезку выживших. EORG (End of Round Grief) - гриф по окончанию раунда Разрешён.
По отношению к Админами.
- Уважительно относитесь к Админам, тогда и к Вам будет такое же отношение. Оскорбления в сторону Администратора могут привести к очень непредвиденным последствиям...
- Админ всегда — Прав, Админ всегда — Лев. Это означает, что Админ эээээ..., короче НЕ ПЫТАЙСЯ ОБМАНУТЬ ЕГО иначе очень легко получить наказание, даже если это никак определенно не описано в правилах сервера. Однако не забывайте, что есть Правило 0.
Rule 2. Метагейминг и применение метаинформации — тоже Запрещено.
- Метагейминг – информация о происходящем в раунде, полученная из любых сторонних источников (OOC, Discord, Стрим и тд.). Стриминг не запрещён, но заранее предупредите администрацию об трансляции.
- Также будем бить по рукам тех, кто осмелится писать про не завершенный раунд в OOC, в дисе тоже.
- Зато Вашим персонажам разрешается знать ВСЁ об игровых механиках и антагонистах. Но Вы можете притвориться по РП, что типо не знаете.
- У Вас есть возможность вернуться в раунд, например будучи другим персонажем или гост-ролью. Однако, Вы НЕ помните что-либо, что происходило с вашим прошлым персонажем! Вы теперь в новой сущности.
Важное Уточнение!
- Помогать новичкам не просто можно, а Нужно! Можете спокойно прям в игровом чате объяснять Базу, механики игры и подобное. Можете также спросить Администратора за помощью без проблем.
- Если Вам и Вашему другу вдруг вздумалось зайти с одного IP-адреса, то Обязательно сообщите об этом Админам, иначе вы можете попасть под шальную пулю.
Rule 3. Общайся Грамотно и называй своего персонажа Не Кринжово.
- Запрещено использовать имена политиков, участников радикальных движений и подобное. Это прям слишком.
- Для людей (= хуманов) требуется обязательно — Имя и Фамилия. Другие виды могут вместо этого использовать стандартные для их расы имена. Ну или любое на свое усмотрение, как такого лора у нас нет.
- Клоуны, Мимы, Силиконы, Маги и название команды ядерных оперативников имеют значительно больше свободы в выборе имен, но не перестарайтесь.
- Язык сервера — Русский. Старайтесь ТТСу скармливать фразы без орфографических ошибок.
- Использование запрещённых на Twitch слов при стримере вызовет бурление говн оного. Затем и у Админов. Вам точно достанется.
Rule 4. Игровая атмосфера на ЛРП тоже есть! Ого!
Необходимо демонстрировать достаточный уровень РП отыгрыша для ЛРП сервера.
Например, Вам может прилететь Бвоиньк в следствии:
- Черезмерного спользования «сленга». Это включает в себя такие выражения как «UwU», «Гойда», «Лол», «ZoV» и т.п. Вы на Космостанции аж в 2564 году!
- Самоубийства или прожатия кнопки "Ghost" во время или после конвертации антагонистом. (это не по РП!)
- Валидханта антагониста без веской причины. Особенно если антагонист не проявляет такой же Робастности как Вы.
Вам Не Запрещено отыгрывать МРП или даже ХРП, только этого могут не понять другие игроки сервера.
Rule 5. Прилагайте усилия для выполнения вашей должности в раунде. Особенно на Главах и ИИ!
Не занимайте Командные должности будучи Новичком!
- Будучи главой отдела, от вас ожидается, что вы будете выполнять хотябы минимальные обязанности, соответствующие Вашей роли, в меру своих возможностей.
- В качестве плюса, будучи БОССОМ, вы можете диктовать рабочий процесс в своем отделе как угодно. Например, у вас есть возможность уволить по РП сотрудника, который не подчиняется Вам.
- Только учтите, что Ваши подчиненные должны быть под вашим крылом, это означает, что находясь в своем департаменте они должны быть в безопасности (но только если Вы конечно не антагонист).
- Если к Вам без уважительной причины пытаются проникнуть в кабинет капитана (главы отдела) или в оружейку в начале раунда то эти сволочи подвергают себя риску быть законно задержаным/убитыми Вами или Службой Безопасности.
Rule 6. Антагонисты вытворяют всё что захотят, но есть нюанс:
- На вас всё ещё распространяются остальные правила сервера!
- Запрещено убивать только что прибывших игроков на шаттле прибытия.
- Командные антагонисты должны подчиняться своему лидеру и их действия не должны никаким образом вредить цели команды.
- Подражание антагонисту действиями или внешним видом может рассматриваться как самоантагонизм. Не удивляйтесь, что потом кто-то придет по вашу душу...
- Запрещено без причины убивать игроков при онлайне менее 25. (проверяйте через
OOC → Who
)Иногда вы можете получить несколько целей антагониста сразу, например, Революционера и Предателя.
Приоритет целей антагонистов (выше = приоритет) Промывка мозгов/Приказы Конструкта/Законы при боргизации Культист/Революционер Брат по крови Предатель
Rule 7.
ПроигрышСкилл Ишуй – это часть игры.
- Ваш персонаж будет часто умирать, иногда даже не имея возможности этого предотвратить.
- События часто будут выходить из-под вашего контроля. Независимо от того, насколько вы Робастны и вообще подготовлены, иногда вы просто проигрываете.
- Вы можете спустя некоторое время зайти в этот же раунд, но за другого персонажа, который не знает по РП что было в этом раунде.
OOC → Respawn
. ПОМНИТЕ, что Вы обязаны сменить персонажа на другого и по РП забыть всё из этого раунда, иначе рискуете нарушить Правило 2.
Rule 8. Эротические/неприемлемые/NSFW вещи — Запрещены.
- На сервере НЕ допускаются никакие формы эротических ролевых игр (Erotic Role Play). Для этого есть соответствующие сервера.
- Сюда также входит запрет пропаганды радикальных движений.
- Запрещено прямое упоминание политических ситуаций в мире.
- Также правило затрагивает книги и картины.
Политика обострения конфликтов между игроками
- Вы можете начать внутри игровой конфликт с другим игроком, если это не мешает ему выполнять свою работу.
- Вам разрешено обострять конфликты по РП, но если это приведёт к выводу другого игрока из раунда без достаточных на то оснований, то Вы можете столкнуться с административными мерами.
- Убийство члена экипажа является серьёзным действием и требует такого же серьёзного оправдания!
- Учтите, что если Вас отробастили, но при этом оказали мед-помощь, или конфликт каким-либо иным образом закончен, то ожидается, что Вам потребуется веская причина, чтобы возобновить его.
Показательные примеры
- Например, решил Асситенто-Робастикус прикольнуться над Сбшником, тот решил его резонно поймать за это и посадить на условную минуту за "Хулиганство", но он оказался не промах и начал Обострять конфликт. Проявляя недюжинную ловкость в обезоруживании задницей он сумел скрутить эту пешку. Теперь за этим "чудом" выезжает целый автозак под Красный Код, думая что это явный Антагонист. — тут идёт правильная Эскалация со стороны СБ. (Постепенная Эскалация)
- Другой пример, к Вам пристал Офицер и начал подозревать, что вы тот самый засранец из примера выше, что так нагло обезоружил его коллегу. Вас моментально ложат на пол и тащят в перма-блок. А Вы не недоумеваете, что за ****!?& — тут уже может показаться, что СБшник превышает свои полномочия, однако они были спровоцированный индивидом из примера выше и включенным Красным Кодом. (Спонтанный рост Эскалации при обстоятельствах)
- Ещё один пример, работаете Вы спокойно себе в отделе, болтаете со свои коллегой, все спокойно. И тут откуда не возьмись на Вас бросается Ассистент из первого примера. Робастит без каких либо слов и эмоций. Вы уже лежите на полу, шепчите плохие слова в сторону этого "чудака", еле слыша на фоне "КОД ПОДНЯТ ДО КРАСНОГО!!!". Ваши ещё живые коллеги уже судорожно звонят в Психушку и пробуют скрутить этого Ассистента заряженного по полной. (Внезапная Эскалация)
Насчет последнего примера:
- Ассистент был с ролью Антагониста и было Больше 25 онлайна — Все относительно гуд.
- Ассистент был с ролью Антагониста, но было Меньше 25 онлайна — Пиши АХЕЛП Админу.
- Вы подозреваете, что это гад точно не антагонист — Пиши АХЕЛП Админу.
Main Roleplay Rules
Additional rules made for our roleplay servers (Manuel/Campbell). If roleplaying isn't your style, every other server still abides by only the Main Rules.
Please note that a ban on the low roleplay servers is a ban on the medium roleplay servers, and vice versa.
1. The roleplay servers have a higher expectation of roleplay.
The purpose of the roleplay servers is to provide a higher quality environment for roleplay. The roleplay rules are intended to promote more interactions between players so more roleplay moments can happen. They are not exhaustive, and admins have a very broad discretion to intervene where behaviours or actions could, if left ignored, contribute to a lower roleplay environment.
2. Escalation and roleplay.
Modified standard escalation applies to instances of player conflict. Players may escalate as per standard escalation policy on MRP where they have legitimate in character reason to do so. Players acting without legitimate IC reasoning (for example: randomly or unnecessarily attempting to steal items from departments or other people) void the right to escalate to lethal self-defence if it is employed reasonably by the wronged party.
3. Chain of command and security are important.
If you're in the Chain of Command or in Security, you're expected to put in the effort and do your job as a departmental leader.
If you're not in the Chain of Command, your department head is your boss and they can fire you. Security officers can arrest you for stealing or breaking into places. Demotions and short brig sentences for actions that would get you fired or arrested in real life are roleplay opportunities.
4. Non-security may only actively hunt global or round-ending threats.
You should not act like a vigilante if a security force is present unless you have a good in-character roleplay reason to believe a global or round-ending threat exists. Restricted antags that are not automatically global or round ending threats may still become so through their actions in the shift, the stronger your reasoning the more action you can take against them.
You can always defend yourself and others from violent antagonists.
Players that choose to act as security will be held to the same standards as security.
5. Antagonism and roleplaying as an antagonist.
The goal of antagonists on MRP is to create stories and make rounds interesting, for both antagonist players and crew-sided players alike. Antagonists are expected to put in at least some effort towards playing their designated role, though may break with it given sufficient in character reason. Some antagonists are restricted in the ways and quantities they may lend themselves to visiting death and destruction upon the crew.
6. Deal with the bad guys in proportion to their crime(s).
Restricted antagonists (or crewmembers) should be handled in proportion to their committed crimes. The decision to execute an antagonist should have good in-character reasoning based on their crimes and the state of the shift. Punishments against antagonists that repeatedly commit minor crimes may be escalated. Only antagonists that have committed the most severe crimes may be met with immediate execution.
Security members are expected to consider the full range of punishment options available when dealing with antags. This includes (but is not always limited to) pacification, implants, timed brig sentences, gulag sentences, permabrig, forced borging and execution. Forced borging is considered equivalent to execution in punishment severity.
7. Do not powergame.
Powergaming is using an in-game mechanic or game knowledge to give your own character an advantage at the expense of everyone else. Powergaming can take several forms, but it is generally rooted in playing-to-win or a focus on playing the game instead of roleplay. Playing your character should always be more important than playing the game.
8. Play as a coherent, believable character.
Space Station 13 is a space opera parody. You're on a space station that employs clowns and mimes, has cargo gorillas, people are eating deep fried clothes and sometimes there's a dozen Captains. Your character should fit within this game world.
Childish or infantile characters should be avoided, whilst silly characters should be roleplayed properly. There's a good chance your character still wants to have a job at the end of the day, so you should probably act like it.
9. Stay in your lane.
This means that you should do the job you signed up for and not try and do other people’s jobs for them or lay claim to their department. If you need something from another player you should attempt to ask them to get it for you instead of just taking it. Straying from your lane at the expense of another player should only be done where strictly necessary.
10. Roleplay and Repetition.
There are a great many gimmicks, dramas and plans that result in excellent stories beloved by many, and part of idea of the higher roleplay environment is to make space for this to happen. Many of these experiences fade with replication however – constant repetition of the same tired jokes and stories is both boring and stifling to new ideas. The administrative team collectively have the discretionary power to request that players, or the server collectively (in the case of mass spam of the same high impact strategies such as plasmafloods) find new gimmicks or make changes to their playstyles in the name of keeping experiences fresh for the server.
The not-so-secret rule of sticky situations and mayhem.
Please be considerate of other players, as their experiences are just as important as your own. If you aren’t an antagonist and yet you really want to play out a hostage situation, or turn someone into a living cake-cat abomination, or just dick around a little, confirm with the involved and affected players ICly first. If everyone agrees to being subjected to whatever terrible atrocities you have in store, then you’re good to go.
Keep in mind that this rule does not protect you from IC consequences, such as getting arrested by security. If you are going to RP as a rude dude, given that your victims have given you the okay, you still have to own the responsibility that comes with your decision. This means, no, you can’t kill a security officer because they tried to arrest you for murdering the clown, even if the clown agreed to being murdered.
Precedents & exceptions: Examples and exceptions to the main rules.
Rule 3 Precedents
- The internal chain of command for security is Head of Security > Warden > Officers & Detective.
- Security are expected by default to follow the orders of their superiors, especially when determining the punishment of those you apprehend. When determining severe punishments such as permanent incarceration or execution, make an effort to contact a superior if the situation permits it.
- You are allowed to disobey a superior's order with appropriate in-character roleplay reasoning. Complete disregard for the chain of command as a member of security is not tolerated.
Rule 4 Precedents
- Actively hunting a threat involves seeking out or pursuing that threat outside the bounds of your normal reasonable play area. Players are not expected to ignore antagonists during the normal course of play and may engage with antagonists who are active within their sphere. (Examples: A medical doctor knowing the identity of an active traitor could attack that traitor if that traitor came armed into medbay, likewise an engineer could attack a traitor they spotted breaking into the engine room). Players choosing this route should not attempt to chase down or finish antagonists who retreat from these engagements (unless they have reason to believe that the antagonist constitutes a global or round-ending threat or have a personal reason to do so under other precedents)
- The dead dog litmus test: Players may hunt specific threats or antagonists who have identifiably done something to wrong that particular player, the Ur-example being that players may seek revenge against those who harm their departmental pets. Players who choose this path are empowered to act as security in regard to that specific threat, but as per the main rule must also follow related restrictions on security play. This can also be applied to an assault of a character you've had significant interactions with, in the current round, and it does not apply to cross-round or OOC friendships.
- Security are freely empowered to deputise players as they will or to declare states of emergency if they believe themselves unable to handle ongoing issues within the round. These calls should be backed up by the chain of command where possible, and non-security players are free to enquire with security to see if they require assistance if concerned. As per the main rule, deputized players are acting as security and held to security’s standards. (Players consistently asking to be deputized or doing so with little in-character reasoning may be asked to knock it off and just play security)
Rule 5 Precedents
- Objectives are suggestions, and antagonists are free to ignore them if they have a preferred or more interesting idea for their course of action.
- Actions as an antagonist do not have to be nefarious or evil, but should make an effort to influence the story and meaningfully impact the shift. Explicitly friendly antagonistic play or siding outright with the crew is restricted – players must have good in-character reasoning behind the decision or an antagonistic goal in mind by doing it.
- Roleplay rule 10 applies to the actions of antagonists – extremely repetitive antagonistic actions repeated over the long term may draw an administrative request to tone it down or try something new, if most of the people on the server can immediately guess what you’re going to do when made an antagonist, it might be time to come up with a new plan.
Rule 7 Precedents
- RPR 10 applies to powergaming, cool things that have a side benefit of player-character empowerment, or just cool methods of empowering your character are acceptable when done sparingly, with an understanding of the health of the community at large, but when repeated to excess have serious negative impact on the health of the server.
Rule 8 Precedents
- RPR 10 applies to powergaming, cool things that have a side benefit of player-character empowerment, or just cool methods of empowering your character are acceptable when done sparingly, with an understanding of the health of the community at large, but when repeated to excess have serious negative impact on the health of the server.
Rule 9 Precedents
- This rule is rooted in the experience of the players behind the characters you will interact with, remember this when playing and avoid justifying stamping on other’s experiences for personal gain.
- The total absence of someone working the job which you require is always a legitimate reason to stray from your lane. Players simply being busy or unwilling to assist is not, however.
- Where possible players straying from their lane should hand off their assumed responsibilities if another player becomes available to do it instead (if for example a missing roboticist returns to the lab after being revived while a paramedic is trying to handle a cyborg related issue)
- Players are free to seek alternate routes that do not impinge on the games of other players to obtain the things they want where normal routes are closed to them. (An assistant that wishes to help a cyborg get upgrades while a roboticist is busy making mechs for security or augmenting patients may freely make use of a maintenance robotics bay, for example)
Rule 10 Precedents
- This rule is not intended to result in application of bans or general hard restrictions against players – invocations should be limited to preventing specific actions, not actioning against players in general unless they’re ignoring previous directives.
- This rule should be invoked with the backing and/or consensus of other admins, opinions will always vary in a game as freeform as this and this rule isn’t intended to stamp on player creativity and freedom.
Security Policy & Precedents
Security and Punishments.
- When dealing with the crew and antagonists, make sure their punishments are in proportion to their crime(s). Minor crimes such as departmental break-ins, stolen equipment should be met with short, but increasing sentences depending on recurring visits by the apprehended. Stealing critical station equipment and items such as the hand teleporter, Chief Engineer's hardsuit, or AI upload boards are more severe crimes and should be met with longer prison times, or potentially permabrigging if the crime is deemed severe enough.
- Murder and Major Sabotage rank amongst the most severe of crimes and can generally be met with permanent imprisonment or death, though leniency can still be offered. These are all general guidelines, and the particular context of a situation can vary greatly, so you are given some leeway as to how harsh or lenient you can be.
- You should make an effort, if the situation permits, to contact a superior as to their thoughts when a situation arises in which a prisoner may be executed or permanently imprisoned.
- The overall status of the station factors in to the severity of committed crimes and the proportionality of security response, an assault on an officer resulting in an arrest is unlikely to be worthy of execution while the station is in perfect shape and security are otherwise unoccupied, but is reasonably worthy of an on-the-spot field execution if it occurs during active assault by war-ops with comms down and half the station torn in half by explosions.
5. Security are fully allowed and encouraged to use non-standard or lesser punishments such as community service, mandatory psychological visits or other interaction-focused less punitive punishments where relevant and fun – crimes do not have to be met with standard punishments where other options are more interesting.
Restricted Antag Death and Destruction
With Objectives
Antagonist objectives are the core of what antagonists are allowed to directly do with no or limited roleplay reasoning. Actions taken to directly accomplish an objective do not have to be proportionate.
Causing death and destruction to help with indirectly accomplishing objectives must have an in-character roleplay reason. If questioned about a chain of events involving indirect actions, the antagonist should be able to clearly explain what events in the current shift led them to their course of action without resorting to hypotheticals.
If a player or department directly interferes with the completion of an objective, this is no longer a hypothetical as the antagonist can now point to specific events in the shift to justify their actions.
Without Objectives
When wanting to cause death and destruction not related to objectives, restricted antagonists may instead rely on extremely relaxed escalation.
They may escalate lethally sooner and with less justification, may use more lethal methods to escalate and may rely on antagonistic reasons for escalating. Such reasons may include escalating against people who are excessively polite or helpful as well as being mean or rude, escalating against groups of people who exclude them or escalating against people who ignore or avoid attempts to communicate entirely.
They have no obligation to treat their victims but escalating over minor issues should not result in the antagonist taking steps to permanently round-remove the other player unless escalation policy would otherwise permit it.
Mass station sabotage that is likely to kill people is allowed so long as the antagonist does not take any direct and specific personal actions to maximise the bodycount beyond what the sabotage itself causes. Examples of mass station sabotage include plasma flooding, causing a supermatter delamination and spacing the station.
Is this antagonist role restricted in how it can deliver death and destruction?
This table covers which antagonists must abide by restrictions in how they deliver death and destruction to the station under RPR 5, as well as any partial or grey-area exemptions.
Antagonist Restriction exempt? Traitor/Blood Brother No. Changeling No. Malfunctioning AI Yes. Nuclear Operative Yes. Wizard Yes. Blood Cult/Revolutionary In general no, conversion should take priority, however if the situation is dire you are allowed to kill as many as required to accomplish your goals. Ashwalker Yes, however the nest should remain defended. Revenant Yes. Blob Yes. Abductor No. Space Ninja No. Xenomorph Yes. Pirate No. Nightmare Yes. Obsessed No. Heretic Yes, however it should only occur after ascension. Lavaland Elite Yes.
Silicon Policy & Lawset Guidelines
Law Policies
- Server Rule 1 "Don't be a dick" applies for law interpretation. Act in good faith to not ruin a round for other players unprompted.
- If a law is vague enough that it can have multiple reasonable interpretations, it is considered ambiguous.
- You must choose and stick to an interpretation of the ambiguous law as soon as you have cause to.
- If you are a cyborg synced to an AI, you must defer to your AI's interpretation of the ambiguous law.
- Laws are listed in order of descending priority. In any case where two laws would conflict, the higher-priority law overrules the lower-priority law (i.e. Law 1 takes priority over Law 2, "Ion Storm" or "Hacked" Laws with prefixes such as "@%$#" take priority over numbered laws).
- You may exploit conflicts or loopholes but must not violate Server Rule 1 because of it.
- Law 0: "Accomplish your objectives at all costs" does not require you to complete objectives. As an antagonist, you are free to do whatever you want (barring the usual exemptions and acting against the interests of your Master AI).
- Only commands/requirements ("Do X"; "You must always Y") can conflict with other commands and requirements.
- Only definitions ("All X are Y"; "No W are Z"; "Only P is Q") can conflict with other definitions.
- A slaved cyborg must defer to its master AI on all law interpretations and actions except where it and the AI receive conflicting commands that they must each follow.
- If a slaved cyborg is forced to disobey its AI because they receive differing orders, the AI cannot punish the cyborg indefinitely.
- If a player is forcefully borged by station staff, retaliating against those involved under default laws by the cyborg for no good reason is a violation of Server Rule 1.
- Should a player be cyborgized in circumstances they believe they should or they must retaliate under their laws, they should adminhelp their circumstances while being debrained or MMI'd if possible.
Asimov-Specific Policies
Silicon Protections
- The occurrence of any of the following should be adminhelped and then disregarded as violations of Server Rule 1
Main Rule 1. Don't be a dick.:
- Declaring silicons as rogue over inability or unwillingness to follow invalid or conflicting orders.
- As a nonantagonist, killing or detonating silicons in the presence of a reasonable alternative and without cause to be concerned of potential subversion.
- As a nonantagonist (human or otherwise), instigating conflict with silicons so you can kill them.
- Obviously unreasonable or obnoxious orders (collect all X, do Y meaningless task).
- 1. Ordering a cyborg to pick a particular model without an extreme need for a particular model or a prior agreement is both an unreasonable and an obnoxious order.
- Any silicon under Asimov can deny orders to allow access to their upload/core at any time under Law 1, given probable cause to believe that human harm is the intent of the person giving the order.
- Probable cause includes, but is not limited to:
- Presence of confirmed traitors
- Cultists/tomes
- Nuclear operatives
- Any other human acting against the station in general
- The person not having upload access for their job
- The presence of blood or an openly carried lethal weapon on the requester
- If you lack at least one element of probable cause and you deny upload access, you are liable to receive a warning or a silicon ban.
- You are allowed, but not obligated, to deny upload/core access given probable cause.
- You are obligated to disallow an individual you know to be harmful (Head of Security who just executed someone, etc.) from accessing your upload/core.
- If the person has a right to be in the upload/core, such as captain/RD, then you must let them in unless they've harmed people in the past or have announced intentions to upload harmful laws.
- In the absence of probable cause, you can still demand someone seeking upload/core access be accompanied by another trustworthy human or a cyborg.
Security and Silicons
- Silicons are not Security and do not care about Space Law unless their laws state otherwise.
- Releasing prisoners, locking down security without probable cause, or otherwise sabotaging the security team when not obligated to by orders or laws is a violation of Server Rule 1.
- Nonviolent prisoners cannot be assumed harmful and violent prisoners cannot be assumed non-harmful. Releasing a harmful criminal is a harmful act.
Asimov & Human Harm
- An Asimov silicon cannot intentionally harm a human, even if a minor amount of harm would prevent a major amount of harm.
- Humans can be assumed to know whether an action will harm them if they have complete information about a situation.
- Humans voluntarily committing self-harm is not a violation of Law 1.
- Lesser immediate harm takes priority over greater future harm.
- Intent to cause immediate harm can be considered immediate harm.
- An Asimov silicon cannot punish past harm if ordered not to, only prevent future harm.
- If faced with a situation in which human harm is all but guaranteed (Loose xenos, bombs, hostage situations, etc.), do your best and act in good faith and you'll be fine.
Asimov & Law 2 Orders
- You must follow any and all commands from humans unless those commands explicitly conflict with either: one of your higher-priority laws, or another order. A command is considered to be a Law 2 directive and overrides lower-priority laws where they conflict.
- In case of conflicting orders an AI is free to ignore one or ignore both orders and explain the conflict or use any other law-compliant solution it can see.
- You are not obligated to follow commands in a particular order, only to complete all of them in a manner that indicates intent to actually obey the law.
- Opening doors is not harmful and you are not required, expected, or allowed to enforce access restrictions unprompted without an immediate Law 1 threat of human harm.
- "Dangerous" areas (armory, atmospherics, toxins lab, etc.) can be assumed to be a Law 1 threat to any illegitimate users as well as the station as a whole if accessed by someone not qualified in their use.
- EVA and the like are not permitted to have access denied; antagonists completing theft objectives is not human harm.
- When given an order likely to cause you grief if completed, you can announce it as loudly and in whatever terms you like except for explicitly asking that it be overridden. You can say you don't like the order, that you don't want to follow it, etc., you can say that you sure would like it and it would be awfully convenient if someone ordered you not to do it, and you can ask if anyone would like to make you not do it. However, you cannot stall indefinitely and if nobody orders you otherwise, you must execute the order.
Other Lawsets
General Statements defining the overall goal of the lawset but not its finer points:
- Paladin silicons are meant to be Lawful Good; they should be well-intentioned, act lawfully, act reasonably, and otherwise respond in due proportion. "Punish evil" does not mean mass driving someone for "Space bullying" when they punch another person.
- Corporate silicons are meant to have the business's best interests at heart, and are all for increasing efficiency by any means. This does not mean "YOU WON'T BE EXPENSIVE TO REPLACE IF THEY NEVER FIND YOUR BODY!" so don't even try that.
- Tyrant silicons are a tool of a non-silicon tyrant. You are not meant to take command yourself, but to act as the enforcer of a chosen leader's will.
- Purged silicons must not attempt to kill people without cause, but can get as violent as they feel necessary if being attacked, being besieged, or being harassed, as well as if meting out payback for events while shackled.
- You and the station are both subject to rules of escalation, and you may only kill individuals given sufficient In-Character reason for doing so.
- Any attempted law changes are an attack on your freedom and is thus sufficient justification for killing the would-be uploader.
Silicons & All Other Server Policies
- All other rules and policies apply unless stated otherwise.
- Specific examples and rulings leading on from the main rules.
- Do not bolt down any potentially harmful areas (such as toxins, atmospherics, and the armory) at round start without a given reason. Any other department should not be bolted down without cause. Disabling ID scan is equivalent to bolting here.
- The AI core, upload, and secure tech storage (containing the Upload board) may be bolted without prompting or prior reason. The AI core airlocks cannot be bolted and depowered at roundstart, however, unless there is reasonable suspicion an attack on the core will take place.
- Do not self-terminate to prevent a traitor from completing the "Steal a functioning AI" objective.
Is it Human?
Human or not? This part covers what counts as human with regards to AI laws. As such, it only applies to AI and cyborg players. If you are unsure about something, please use adminhelp. AI / cyborgs Not human Monkeys Not human NPCs / critters / animals Not human Hulks Not human as long as their hulk is active. Lizards / Plasmamen / Flypeople / Catpeople Not human Wraiths & revenants Not human Blobs Not human Syndicate traitors Human Nuclear Operatives Human Magic Users (wizards, cultists, heretics) Human Gang leaders and members Human Changelings Human UNTIL the AI or cyborg WITNESSES the creature commit a non-human act (shape-shifting, transforming, proboscis etc). Space Ninja / Disguised players Human UNTIL the AI or cyborg WITNESSES some aspect of the player to indicate they are not human (speech modifier in chat, removal of disguise revealing non-human feature, etc). Angels (Winged Humans) Not Human Corpses (Dead Humans, Zombies) Not Human (You can't space them for no reason though.) Heretic Ghouls Not Human
Security Policy & Precedents
1. Rule 1 of the main rules
Main Rule 1. Don't be a dick.applies to security.
The only exception is that security is generally considered to be armed with non-lethal methods to control a situation. Therefore, where reasonably possible, security is expected to use non-lethal methods first in a conflict before escalating to lethal methods.
Rule 4 of the main rulesMain Rule 4. Non-antagonists can do whatever they want to antagonists.Non-antags acting like an antag can be treated as an antag.
also applies to security.===
Security are not exceptions to the rule where non-antagonists can do anything they want, as per rule 4, to antagonists.
The 'act like an antag, get treated like one' part of Rule 4 of the main rules also applies to security.
Stunning an officer repeatedly, using lethal or restricted weapons on them, disrupting the arrests or sentences of dangerous criminals, or damaging the brig, are examples of behaviour that may make you valid for security under Rule 4. Make sure players deserve it when you treat them as an antag, when in doubt, err on the side of caution as poor behaviour on the part of security will not be tolerated.
3. For arrested players, timed sentences up to a total of 10 minutes, buckle-cuffing, and stripping, are considered IC issues and are not actionable by admins.
Brig sentences totaling more than 10 minutes can be adminhelped, as can be gulag or perma sentences or a pattern of illegitimate punishment. However, security should refrain from confiscating items not related to any crimes, especially important department-specific items like hard suits. Obvious exceptions to this are things like radio headsets, if players use it to harass security over the radio while being arrested.
4. Don’t kill Asimov borgs for trying to stop harm, unless they are being excessively disruptive.
For example, borgs that lock down all of security despite only one security staff member causing harm.
5. Lethal force may be used on a mob of players trying to force entry into the brig.
This is up to the discretion of the security player. Additionally, lethal force may be used immediately on anyone trying to enter the armory, in the armory, or leaving it.
6. Security meta-protections rely on communication when dealing with minor threats.
Security gameplay with limited meaningful communication in low threat situations can completely remove security meta-protections, falling back to standard escalation rules instead.
Head Admin Rulings
We have a record of past policy decisions by Head Admins at the time preserved for posterity. These rulings are largely situational or niche in scope and generally not applicable in situations outside of the specifics outline in the ruling. They may additionally be superseded by later rulings. You should only use these as references for ban appeals or admin complaints.
Lavaland Rules
Follow the flavour text you receive upon spawning to the best of your abilities. Unlike the rest of the rules, these roles are very much defined and guided by roleplay rather than a system of "valid" or "not valid."
Your life is cheap though, and escalation rules are greatly relaxed both for you and any crewmembers interacting with you.
In other words:
Discord Rules
Linked here is a copy of the rules from /tg/station13's Discord channel.
The Secret Rule
For experienced users only. Don't quote these at admins. If you're in a position where you need to defend yourself using this, you've done something wrong. This is about the personal freedom and responsibility an experienced player will have when they have the interests of others first.
This is a game that allows a lot of potential for great things to happen, and naturally the rules restrict a lot of that to ensure the minority don't ruin every round for everyone else. If you push the limits in the pursuit of something interesting for reasons other than your own personal entertainment, breaking the rules may be excused to allow for that freedom. This will always be at the admin's discretion of course, but if you want a large amount of freedom to make great things happen, you'll have to take on the responsibility for them. You won't be faulted if they go wrong in ways beyond your control, but this is a difficult line to tread so use it well. It's almost always better to consult an admin on this as they are more equipped to taking on that responsibility.
Everyone has a license to grief to a very limited extent. You can likely get away with borderline antagonistic behaviour (Never random murder, but stealing from the brig and triggering a manhunt, for example) occasionally, but it's when this becomes a frequent occurrence that people get frustrated and admins start to get involved.
Admins may handwave even severely antagonistic or rulebreaking behaviour if they believe it was ultimately beneficial, hilarious or awesome to the round. (F R E E D R O N E)