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===For Head of Personnel - Hardcore Edition=== Think the standard papers are not authoritarian enough? Noticed other jobs also have stamps, which are pretty useless? We can help you. ====Maintenance Access Request Form [MA2a]==== This form is used for granting maint access, most common request. {| class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed wikitable" |- !Paper Markdown: |- | scope="row" | <center><b>Form [MA2a]: Maintence Access Requisition.</b></center> Write in by clicking on the yellow spaces. The signature is provided by typing in [percentage symbol]s. You start with a pen, alt click on pda. This operation costs 10 credits. Glory to the Nanotrasen. ---- * Signature: [_____________________________] * Age: [____]; Gender: [___] (F/M/B/N/O/I/G/D); * Species: [_______________]; ID: [_____]; * Job Title: [______________________________] * Department: [__________________________] <b>Reason for request:</b> [______________________________________________] [______________________________________________] I [_____________________________], chief engineer, allow this person to dwell the maintenance on responsibility of engineering department. *Place Chief Engineers stamp here* - - - OR, I [_____________________________], the quartermaster, allow this person to dwell the maintenance on responsibility of Cargonia. *Place Quartermasters stamp here* - - - *Place Head of Personel’s stamp here* - - - </pre> |} ====Safe Areas Access Form [SA1u]==== This form is used for granting access to any safe areas. {| class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed wikitable" |- !Paper Markdown: |- | scope="row" | <center><b>[Sa1u]: Regular Access Requesition</b></center> Write in by clicking on the yellow spaces. The signature is provided by typing in [percentage symbol]s. You start with a pen, alt click on pda. *Caution! You can only ask for two access keys to be added to your card at once, and you need to get a recommendation from at least one (or two, per HoP's disclousere) of the employees of the department you want access into, or local deputy. If you want additional access, ask for file [CJ6w]* Eva Access falls under form [SE4x]. Chemistry, Atmospherics, Genetics, Security, Virology, Xenobiology and Command access fall under form [HR5a]. This operation costs 20 credits. Glory to the Nanotrasen. ---- * Signature: [_____________________________] * Age: [____]; Gender: [___] (F/M/B/N/O/I/G/D); * Species: [_______________]; ID: [_____]; * Job Title: [______________________________] * Department: [__________________________] <b>Reason for request:</b> [______________________________________________] [______________________________________________] ---- I approve the rights of this individual to have access to my department [_____________________________]. [_____________________________]. [_____________________________]. [_____________________________]. *Place Head of Personel’s stamp here* - - - </pre> |} ====Religiously Inclined Access Request Form [RA7c]==== This form is used for granting access to chaplains. {| class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed wikitable" |- !Paper Markdown: |- | scope="row" | <pre><center><b>Substitute ID Request Form</b></center> <center><b>[RA7c]: Religiously Inclined Access Requesition</b></center> Write in by clicking on the yellow spaces. The signature is provided by typing in <percentage symbol>s. You start with a pen, alt click on pda. *Caution! You can only ask for two access keys to be added to your card at once, and you need to get a recommendation from at least one of the employees of the department. If you want additional access, ask for form [CJ6w].* This operation is free of charge. Glory to the Nanotrasen. ---- * Signature: [_____________________________] * Age: [___]; Gender: [___] (F/M/B/N/O/I/G/D); * Species: [_______________]; ID: [_____]; * Religion: [______________________________] * Main religious virtues: [__________________________] <b>Reason for request:</b> [______________________________________________] [______________________________________________] ---- I approve the rights of this individual to have access to my department [_____________________________]. *Place Head of Personel’s stamp here* </pre> |} ====High Risk Access Request Form [HR5a]==== This form is used for requesting access to areas with hazardous items. {| class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed wikitable" |- !Paper Markdown: |- | scope="row" | <center><b>[HR5a]: High Risk Area Access Requesition</b></center> Write in by clicking on the yellow spaces. The signature is provided by typing in [percentage symbol]s. You start with a pen, alt click on pda. *Caution! You can only ask for one access key to be added to your card through this form.* Eva Access falls under form [SE4x]. This operation costs 50 credits due to its severity. Glory to the Nanotrasen. ---- * Signature: [_____________________________] * Age: [____]; Gender: [___] (F/M/B/N/O/I/G/D); * Species: [_______________]; ID: [_____]; * Job Title: [______________________________] * Department: [__________________________] <b>Reason for request:</b> [______________________________________________] [______________________________________________] ---- I, [_____________________________], warden[__]/head of security[__]deem this individual safe of accessing the given area. (Place X by the job) *Place stamp of the head of the department area is placed in.* - - - *Place Head of Personel’s stamp here* - - - </pre> |} ====Prankage Access Request Form [CL8n]==== This form is used for requesting area access with purpose of pranking. {| class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed wikitable" |- !Paper Markdown: |- | scope="row" | <center><b>[CL8n]: Prankage Access Requesition</b></center> Write in by clicking on the yellow spaces. The signature is provided by typing in [percentage symbol]s. You start with a pen, alt click on pda. *Caution! You can only ask for two access keys to be added to your card at once. If you want additional access, request form [CJ6w].* Eva Access falls under form [SE4x]. Chemistry, Atmospherics, Genetics, Security, Virology, Xenobiology and Command access fall under form [HR5a]. This operation cost is based on the prank. Glory to the Nanotrasen. ---- * Signature: [_____________________________] * Age: [____]; Gender: [___] (F/M/B/N/O/I/G/D); * Species: [_______________]; ID: [_____]; * Job Title: [______________________________] * Department: [__________________________] <b>Prank Details:</b> [______________________________________________] [______________________________________________] ---- *Place Clowns stamp here.* - - - OR, if *you are* the clown/don’t want to bother them: I [_____________________________], security member, deem the prank this person requests safe. *Place Head of Personel’s stamp here* </pre> |} ====Space Exploration Rights Request Form [SE4x]==== This form is used for requesting a permission to explore space. {| class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed wikitable" |- !Paper Markdown: |- | scope="row" | <center><b>[SE4x]: Space Exploration Rights Requesition.</b></center> Write in by clicking on the yellow spaces. The signature is provided by typing in [percentage symbol]s. You start with a pen, alt click on pda. *Caution! Space is dangerous. You will need a companion, so either of you can bring the corpse of the other back if needed. And also, for this form to get approved.” This operation costs 50 credits due to its severity, with a 50% discount for curators. Glory to the Nanotrasen. ---- * Signature: [_____________________________] * Partner: [_____________________________] * Robotocist Signature:* [_____________________________] * Age: [____]; Gender: [___] (F/M/B/N/O/I/G/D); * Species: [_______________]; ID: [_____]; * Job Title: [______________________________] * Department: [__________________________] <b>Reason for request:</b> [______________________________________________] [______________________________________________] * Only required if your partner is an borg. You pay for them. ---- I, [_____________________________], declare I will bring back the loot found in space around the station and give it in the ownership of cargo. I also understand that my body will not be dragged back to the station if I die alone, and therefore will do anything to get my partner back to life, even if that means coming to the station prematurely. *Place Head of Personel’s stamp here* |} ====Job Request Form [JR3e]==== This form is used for requesting a job, for assistants, golems, prisioners and other jobless folk. {| class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed wikitable" |- !Paper Markdown: |- | scope="row" | <center><b>[JR3e]: Job Requesition</b></center> Write in by clicking on the yellow spaces. The signature is provided by typing in [percentage symbol]s. You start with a pen, alt click on pda. *Caution! Any jobs from departament other than personnel require a stamp of the head of said departament. Security jobs in addition require form [MH9s], prisoner's application for a life among regular crew also requires it.* This operation costs 35 credits. Glory to the Nanotrasen. If you have none, complete cargo bounties on the provided assistant card to gain them up! ---- * Signature: [_____________________________] * Age: [____]; Gender: [___] (F/M/B/N/O/I/G/D); * Species: [_______________]; ID: [_____]; * Job Title: [______________________________] * Presented Skills: [__________________________] [______________________________________________] [______________________________________________] ---- <b>Requested job:</b> [______________________________________________] <b>Reason for request:</b> [______________________________________________] [______________________________________________] ---- *Place Departmental Head stamp here* - - - *Place Head of Personnel stamp here* - - - </pre> |} ====Job Change Request Form [JC1f]==== This form is used for requesting a job change. {| class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed wikitable" |- !Paper Markdown: |- | scope="row" | <center><b>[JC1f]: Job Change Requesition</b></center> Write in by clicking on the yellow spaces. The signature is provided by typing in [percentage symbol]s. You start with a pen, alt click on pda. *Caution! Any jobs from departament other than personnel or your current one require a stamp of the head of said departament. Transfer to the security department in addition requires form [MH9s].* This operation costs 35 credits. Glory to the Nanotrasen. ---- * Signature: [_____________________________] * Age: [____]; Gender: [___] (F/M/B/N/O/I/G/D); * Species: [_______________]; ID: [_____]; * Job Title: [______________________________] * Presented Skills: [__________________________] [______________________________________________] [______________________________________________] ---- <b>Requested job:</b> [______________________________________________] <b>Reason for request:</b> [______________________________________________] [______________________________________________] ---- *Place Departmental Head stamp here* - - - *Place Head of Personnel stamp here* - - - </pre> |} ====Custom Job Request Form [CJ6w]==== This form is used for requesting a custom job. {| class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed wikitable" |- !Paper Markdown: |- | scope="row" | <center><b>[CJ6w]: Custom Job Requesition</b></center> Write in by clicking on the yellow spaces. The signature is provided by typing in [percentage symbol]s. You start with a pen, alt click on pda. Cost of this operation depends on its specifics, as listed below. Glory to the Nanotrasen. ---- * I request… * change of title [___] 5 credits * Chemistry, Atmospherics, Genetics, Security, Virology, Xenobiology or Command access [___] 50 credits * Any other access access [___] 15 credits *(Place X by chosen option) * Security and command access jobs will require form [MH9s]. ---- * Signature: [_____________________________] * Age: [____]; Gender: [___] (F/M/B/N/O/I/G/D); * Species: [_______________]; ID: [_____]; * Job/Title: [______________________________] * Presented Skills: [__________________________] [______________________________________________] [______________________________________________] ---- Requested Access: [__________________________] [______________________________________________] [______________________________________________] <b>Reason for request:</b> [______________________________________________] [______________________________________________] [______________________________________________] ---- *Place stamp of head of the job’s department here* - - - *Place Head of Personnel stamp here* - - - |} ====Metaphysical Health Assesment Form [MH9s]==== This form is used for checking person's health. {| class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed wikitable" |- !Paper Markdown: |- | scope="row" | <center><b>[MH9s]: Metaphysical Health Assessment</b></center> Write in by clicking on the yellow spaces. The signature is provided by typing in [percentage symbol]s. You start with a pen, alt click on pda. This operation costs 10 credits. Glory to the Nanotrasen. ---- * Signature: [_____________________________] * Age: [____]; Gender: [___] (F/M/B/N/O/I/G/D); * Species: [_______________]; ID: [_____]; * Job Title: [______________________________] –-- Mental Inpection: CMO, Psychologist and Priest are allowed to perform this inspection, and required to fill in all of the rubrics. * Inspector’s Signature: [_____________________________] * Patient’s Mental State: {0/10} [_______] * Patient’s Spiritual State: {0/10} [_______] * Beliefs: [_________] * Traumas: [_________________________________] * Notes: [___________________________________] [______________________________________________] [______________________________________________] Physical Inspection: A security department member is allowed to perform this inspection, and required to fill in all of the rubrics. * Inspector’s Signature: [_____________________________] * Patient’s skill with guns: {0/10} [_______] * Patient’s overall condition: {0/10} [_______] * Patient’s first impression: {0/10} [_______] * Notes: [___________________________________] [______________________________________________] [______________________________________________] </pre> |} '''NanoTrasen Medical Association - Psychological Evaluation Form''' This form is used for checking person's mental health for submission into Central Command. {| class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed wikitable" |- !Paper Markdown: |- | scope="row" |# <nowiki><center>NanoTrasen Medical Association</center></nowiki> _<nowiki><center>Vivamus moriendum est</center></nowiki>_ ___ <nowiki>#</nowiki> <nowiki><center>Psychological Evaluation Form</center></nowiki> <nowiki>**</nowiki>To be completed by the Psychologist or Chief Medical Officer** Patient Information: <nowiki>**</nowiki>Name:** [_______________________________________] <nowiki>**</nowiki>Rank/Position:** [_______________________________________] <nowiki>**</nowiki>Department:** [_______________________________________] <nowiki>**</nowiki>Date / Time of Evaluation:*** [_______________] [_________________] ___ <nowiki>**</nowiki>Psychological Assessment:** <nowiki>**</nowiki>1. Overview:** Briefly describe the purpose and context of this evaluation. [_______________________________________] [_______________________________________] [_______________________________________] [_______________________________________] <nowiki>**</nowiki>2. Behavioral Observations:** Provide an assessment of the individual's behavior during routine activities and under stress. Include any notable changes or trends observed. [_______________________________________] [_______________________________________] [_______________________________________] [_______________________________________] <nowiki>**</nowiki>3. Emotional Stability:** Rate the individual's emotional stability on a scale of 1 to 10 (1 being extremely unstable, 10 being exceptionally stable). Provide supporting comments. [_______________________________________] [_______________________________________] [_______________________________________] [_______________________________________] <nowiki>**</nowiki>4. Stress Management:** Evaluate the individual's ability to handle stress and pressure. Provide examples of how they cope with challenging situations. [_______________________________________] [_______________________________________] [_______________________________________] [_______________________________________] <nowiki>**</nowiki>5. Communication Skills:** Assess the individual's communication skills, both verbal and non-verbal. Include observations on their ability to work collaboratively with others. [_______________________________________] [_______________________________________] [_______________________________________] [_______________________________________] <nowiki>**</nowiki>6. Decision-Making Ability:** Evaluate the individual's decision-making skills, considering both routine and critical situations. Highlight any instances of indecisiveness or exceptional judgment. [_______________________________________] [_______________________________________] [_______________________________________] [_______________________________________] <nowiki>**</nowiki>7. Team Interaction:** Describe the individual's interactions within the team. Include observations on leadership, cooperation, and conflict resolution. [_______________________________________] [_______________________________________] [_______________________________________] [_______________________________________] <nowiki>**</nowiki>8. Adaptability:** Assess the individual's adaptability to changing circumstances or unforeseen events. Provide examples of how they handle unexpected challenges. [_______________________________________] [_______________________________________] [_______________________________________] [_______________________________________] <nowiki>**</nowiki>9. Mental Health History:** Inquire about any known mental health history or concerns. If applicable, detail any treatments, medications, or therapy received. [_______________________________________] [_______________________________________] [_______________________________________] [_______________________________________] <nowiki>**</nowiki>10. Recommendations:** Based on the evaluation, provide recommendations for professional development, support, or any necessary interventions. [_______________________________________] [_______________________________________] [_______________________________________] [_______________________________________] <nowiki>**</nowiki>Confidentiality Note:** <nowiki>*</nowiki>This document contains sensitive information and is to be treated with the utmost confidentiality. Access is restricted to authorized personnel involved in the evaluation process.* <nowiki>----</nowiki> <nowiki>**</nowiki>Completed by:** <nowiki>**</nowiki>Name:** [_______________________________________] <nowiki>**</nowiki>Rank/Position:** [_______________________________________] <nowiki>**</nowiki>Signature:** [_______________________________________] <nowiki>**</nowiki>Date / Time:*** [__________________] [_________________] <nowiki>**</nowiki>Approving Chief Medical Officer Stamp** \ \ \ \ |} ====Station Structure and Equipment Report Form==== This form is used for reporting a problem with the station. {| class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed wikitable" |- ! scope="row" |Paper Markdown: |- |# <nowiki><center><b>Station Structure and Equipment Report Failure Report</b></nowiki><nowiki></center></nowiki> <nowiki>*</nowiki>This report is addressed to the Chief Engineer of the Engineering Department. An issue has been reported with structure of the station or the station's equipment.* <nowiki>----</nowiki> <nowiki>###</nowiki> Complainant Information <nowiki>*</nowiki> Full Name: [____________________________] <nowiki>*</nowiki> Job Title: [______________________________] <nowiki>*</nowiki> Department: [__________________________] Complainant Signature: [______________________________________________] --- <nowiki>###</nowiki> Issue <nowiki>*</nowiki>Describe the issue below in full detail, and describe action to be taken if possible.* [______________________________________________] [______________________________________________] [______________________________________________] [______________________________________________] <nowiki>----</nowiki> <nowiki><b> Chief Engineer Signature:</b></nowiki> [______________________________________________] --- <nowiki>*</nowiki>Place Departmental Head stamp here* . . . |} [[Category:Guides]]
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